As a family member, your pet deserves the best possible care. One of the best ways to make sure your pet is healthy is to make sure they have an annual preventive care checkup, or more frequently for older pets and those with chronic conditions.

If you are a new pet parent then Vet in Bangladesh is a simple online search for you. However, as an adult pet guardian, you will probably find the best veterinarians of all time in Bangladesh.

Vet & Animal Doctors List & Contacts in Bangladesh

Most of the time it is seen that in the moment of emergency we do not understand where to go for the treatment of our dying pet or which animal doctor will be the best. We are constantly looking for the Best Pet Clinic in Bangladesh in the hope of keeping our pets healthy.

So we have tried to present to you a list of the best Pet Clinic in Bangladesh. Here is a list of the best Pet Clinic   in BD from Dhaka and other districts of Bangladesh.

Best Animal Doctors in Bangladesh

Here the list of Best Vet in BD is arranged in a neat manner. District wise it is listed separately. Contact your nearest vet now.

SL Clinic Name Clinic Adress Serial Number Map Link
1 Central Veterinary Hospital Central Veterinary Hospital 01725808534
2 Pet Vet BD Ta 173/2 Lake view road, Godara ghat to Hatirjheel Road, Dhaka 1212 01785636036
3 Dr. Sagir’s Pet Clinic Dhanmondi Chamber/Clinic: House 3/2, Block D, Lalmatia Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Gulshan Chamber/Clinic: House # 21, Road # 6, Block # D, Niketon, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 01912251312, 01752987436, 01706214759
4 Central Veterinary Hospital Central Veterinary Hospital,Chamber Address: 67/2, North Bashaboo, Khilgaon, Dhaka. 01711146012

Dr. Siamak’s Pet Clinic

H-56, R-9/B, Sector: 5, Uttara. 01711561155 N/A
6  Central Veterinary Hospital Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka. 01552457085, 01731492093 N/A

Gulshan Pet Clinic

Gulshan Pet-Animal Clinic (A-Z Pet Animal Solution in Dhaka) 4-5 DCC Super Market, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212 01912013615, 01715078434
8 Dr. Kazi Mujibur Rahman Chief vet, Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka 01715016218
9 Dr. Mohammad Shariful Haque ElephantRoad. 0173046585 N/A
10 Dr. Lf. Col Shahjada Bangladesh Army (vet) 01711123288 N/A
11 Veterinary Clinic House 792, Road 21, Block G, Dhaka 1229 01715016218
12 Central Veterinary Hospital 48 Kazi Alauddin Rd, Dhaka 1000 01711187477
13 Mr. Vet 28, Block-C, 10, Tajmahal Rd, Dhaka 1207 01723649754
15 Vet & Pet Care (VNPC) 1/17 Humayun Road, Rashida Villa, Humayun Rd, Dhaka 1207 01674173844
16 Pet Doctor Robi 10, 28 Block- C Tajmahal Rd, Dhaka 01723649754
17 Care & Cure Veterinary Clinic 28 Rd No. 7, Dhaka 1205 01551807384
18 Vet And Pet Care Middle Badda(Baluchar), Ground Floor, Ta- 169 Badda High School Road, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212 Dhaka, 1212 01701022274
19 r. Tayabur’s Pet Care House 20 Road No 1A, Dhaka 1230 01818417804
20 vergreen Pet Care H#53, R#12, Sec#13, Dhaka 1230 01716535822
21 Veterinary Specialized Hospital & Diagnostic Center 428/1, Garden View Road, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216 01305843505
22 Veterinary Hospital 15 Sonargaon Janapath, Dhaka 1230 01733339597
23 Pet Clinic 4,5, DCC Super Market, Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212 01715078434 N/A
24 Online Pet Clinic Gulshan QCR5+X89, Dhaka 1212 01701022274
25  Veterinary Clinic TA – 131, 109 Gulshan Badda Link Rd, Dhaka 1212 01322581020
26 Companion Care Clinic GP,E-124,School road,Wireless gate, Dhaka 1212 01774398004
27 Animal Care Centre 13/1 Road No. 12, Dhaka 1212 01770476749
28 Mirpur Pet Animal Clinic House-04 (Ground Floor), Road-01, Mirpur 12, Dhaka 01320823299
29 Pet Care S Paikpara Rd, Dhaka 01819263621
30 Vet Abdullah Mujahid 68, Harirampur, Golartek Mosque Rd, Dhaka 1216 01715728760

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